Oh, how I love this pretty moon! We have a lovely New Moon in Taurus on Tuesday, May 7th, 11:21 p.m., edt. Perfect timing for a perfect moon. This new moon promises to be hopeful, meaningful, very magical for propelling your hopes, dreams, wishes, and goals forward into manifested reality. I would cast your intentions and prep your inspired action as soon as possible right after this new moon transpires.
This moon is receiving lots of astrological support from the big planets! Taurus is the winner here. You do not want to miss out on making your magic for this one. Jupiter, Uranus, the Sun, the Moon, Venus are ALL in on this magical happening. Saturn also is ready to help and support. Let's give a big shout out to Saturn! Jupiter and Neptune offer opportunities for creativity, spirituality. Invite your Angels to this celebration. Venus is offering Love, Love, Love! Even Uranus is playing nice.
You can do magic!
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You will love this one!
Wherever you are and whatever you're doing you need to pause and make time for magic. It's time to plan, pray, meditate and take time for inspired action. Write down your intentions. Express gratitude for your blessings. Pray for the silent and innocent souls who are hurting. Taurus is an earth sign so, lest we forget, plan practical benevolent acts of kindness and help for others in need. Spend time in nature. Commune with the animals and nature spirits. Pray for the world.
For moon tips and mini-lessons, go to www.mysticastrology.net and click on Freebies in the menus bar! If you have any questions, you can email me at readings@mysticalmagic.net.
Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my gentle, inspirational author website, www.lindajwagnerauthor.net to receive free lessons, advice, and tips in manifesting your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, www.mysticastrology.net to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.